Guidelines for All Users
These guidelines are written to support the Safeguarding in Bowls Policies for children and adults and the Codes of Conduct for our sport. The safe enjoyment of our sport by everyone is of paramount importance.
Use Common Sense
If you’re uncertain about whether something is inappropriate or questionable, don’t post it.
Mind Your Mannners
Be respectful, kind and civil. Do not make, accept or support/like/forward any discriminatory or hateful comments.
If you wouldn’t want your family or employer to hear it, don’t say it.
Seek Permissions
Check with individuals (and parents/carers of U18s) that they are happy for you to publish content about them eg. match reports, team photos, contact details.
Be Secure
Bowls related social media accounts should be set up using an official club email address where possible and passwords should be kept safely.
Regularly check your privacy settings to ensure that only those you want to see your content can do so.
Be Yourself
Ensure that your comments and opinions are yours and do not represent the opinions of the team, club, county association or national governing body.
Be Aware
Be aware of the laws protecting children and others from misuse of online communication. Online safety & social networking in sport | CPSU (
Guidelines for Those in Positions of Trust
In addition to the guidelines on the left, people in positions of trust in the sport such as coaches, committee members and team managers need to adopt the guidelines below.
Communicating with Children (U18)
Do not communicate online on a 1:1 basis with children. Always copy in anotherl adult club member, their parents or carers for transparency. Do not accept under 18s as ‘friends’ or similar on social networks and do not send similar friend requests or ‘follow’ them on their personal accounts.
Keep communications with children to pertinent bowls related business such as fixtures, times of sessions/games, transport arrangements etc.
Personal Opinions
Official bowls related social media channels should not be used to express personal opinions.
Club Social Media
Clubs should ensure that if they set up social media sites, they should establish and regularly promote codes of conduct for users and retain ownership. Sites should have at least 2 active moderators/administrators, at least 1 from the club management committee. Ideally the club safeguarding officer should be one of these.
Any content that breaks the code of conduct should be quickly removed with an explanation given to the person who posted it. Club disciplinary processes may be invoked for any member misusing the site(s).
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.